Courses I have tutored in the past
Algebra - High school algebra 1 and 2, high school geometry, college algebra, developmental college courses, Business Math, College Math with Calculus, Business Calculus, trigonometry, precalculus
Calculus - 1, 2, 3, multivariable calculus
Statistics - basic freshman and junior level probability and statistics classes from several different departments, calculus based probability and statistics, statistics with software (Microsoft Excel and SPSS), statistics for MBAs, doctoral-level statistics
Educational Math / Math for Teachers - I've tutored this at three different colleges, and seen everything from adding fractions with pictures to how to multiply in base 5.
Advanced Math courses - Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra
Economics - micro-economics and macro-economics at the college and MBA level
Finance - college and MBA level
Science - Chemistry (the first year, I can't help with Organic Chemistry), Physics 1 (kinematics, angular momentum, waves and optics, etc), Physics 3 (Statics). Not good with Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism)
[email protected]
There are a lot of topics I could be explaining on this website, but for now, I'm going stick to the topics that I've seen puzzle a lot of students, especially those topics where there's a much easier way of doing it than is usually taught.
Calculus - 1, 2, 3, multivariable calculus
Statistics - basic freshman and junior level probability and statistics classes from several different departments, calculus based probability and statistics, statistics with software (Microsoft Excel and SPSS), statistics for MBAs, doctoral-level statistics
Educational Math / Math for Teachers - I've tutored this at three different colleges, and seen everything from adding fractions with pictures to how to multiply in base 5.
Advanced Math courses - Discrete Math, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra
Economics - micro-economics and macro-economics at the college and MBA level
Finance - college and MBA level
Science - Chemistry (the first year, I can't help with Organic Chemistry), Physics 1 (kinematics, angular momentum, waves and optics, etc), Physics 3 (Statics). Not good with Physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism)
[email protected]
There are a lot of topics I could be explaining on this website, but for now, I'm going stick to the topics that I've seen puzzle a lot of students, especially those topics where there's a much easier way of doing it than is usually taught.